これは楽しく英語を学ぼうとする小生の実験的奮闘記、まずはFAINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE CHAPTER 1だす😆
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- 複数のGameを通してたくさんの英単語を学べる
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- BlogのScriptをよむ📖
Time | Caracter | English | Japanese |
4:55 | Barret | Get down here, merc. | 行くぞ 新入り! |
Security Officer | Halt! | 止まれ! | |
↑ | Who goes there!? | 何者だ? | |
Barret | You’re up. | 出番だ | |
Security Officer | You’re coming with us. | 侵入者か | |
↑ | Nice and easy! | おとなしくしろ | |
Cloud | Don’t think so. | 笑わせるな | |
↑ | Not bad. | 悪くない | |
Security Officer | Who in the hell—!? | 何事だ? | |
↑ | Hands where I can see ‘em! | おい 止まれ | |
Jessie | Have fun! | ごくろうさま | |
Security Officer | Freeze! | 動くな! | |
↑ | Move and we shoot! | 動くと 撃つぞ | |
Cloud | Go ahead. | 好きにしろ | |
↑ | Enough of this. | どうってことないな | |
Security Officer | Holy shit! | 抵抗はやめろ | |
↑ | Drop the weapon! | ||
Biggs | You got this! | 作戦どおり | |
Wedge | Yeah, what he said! | さすがっスね | |
Security Officer | You’re coming with us. | おとなしく したがえ! | |
Cloud | Can’t get surrounded. | 囲まれると面倒だ | |
↑ | Try harder. | 軽いな | |
7:04 | Jessie | So what’s SOLDIER boy’s deal? Is he one of us now? | で ソルジャーがなんだって うちらの仲間になるの? |
↑ | He’s got balls, this, uh… | その人 キャリアを捨てるわけ | |
↑ | Uh…what was his name again? | ええと 名前なんだっけ? | |
Biggs | Cloud. Cloud Strife. | 名前は クラウド・ストライフ | |
Jessie | Right | ああ | |
Biggs | And he isn’t a SOLDIER anymore. | “元”ソルジャーだとよ | |
↑ | Still, he’s a professional—unlike the rest of us. | 武装路線で行くとなれば プロフェッショナルの参加は不可欠だ | |
↑ | I’m glad to have him. | 俺は歓迎するね | |
Cloud | This is a onetime gig. | 勝手に仲間にするな | |
↑ | When it’s done, we’re done. | 仕事が終われば 他人だ | |
Biggs | Real joy to work with though. | ||
Jessie | Real joy to look at too. | ||
Biggs | Here we go… | ||
Jessie | Looks are what people notice first. | ||
Biggs | Guess I’m not on the same page as “people.” | ||
Jessie | I’d say you’re not even reading the same book. | ||
Biggs | Enough. We’re done here. | ||
Jessie | Or even the same… | ||
Biggs | Give it a rest. | ||
Wedge | You’ll keep us safe…right, Cloud? | クラウドさん 頼っていいっスよね | |
↑ | Wow, they’ve almost got the door. | ||
↑ | We’re doing this. We’re really doking it. Man…I think I’m gonna be sick… | ||
↑ | C’mon, nobody’d do something this crazy just for money. | ただの金目当てなら ここまで来ないっスよね | |
↑ | They may not think you’re a true believer, but you know what I think? | クラウドさんだって 星の未来を思う気持ちは オレたちと | |
Cloud | Not interested. | 興味ないね | |
Barret | Wedge! | ウェッジ | |
↑ | You’d better be worth the money, merc. Every last gil. | 高い金払うんだ がっかりさせんじゃねえぞ | |
Security Officer | Get him, boy! | 食事だ! | |
Wedge | Hey, Cloud! Elevator’s over there! Catch up soon! | クラウドさん リフトで上に 待ってるっスよ | |
Security Officer | I found one! | ||
10:36 | Biggs | This way! | こっちだ |
↑ | Not so fast. We’ve got company. | いるぞ いるぞ まかせた | |
Security Officer | There’s one! | いたぞ | |
↑ | Get him! | 捕らえろ! | |
11:37 | Barret | You know what to do—now go! | 持ち場へ急げ |
Wedge | See you later! | オレ あっちっス | |
Jessie | C’mon, Cloud! | クラウドは こっち | |
Barret | Pick up the pace! | 走れ 走れ! | |
Wedge | I’ll secure our escape route, okay? | ||
↑ | You go on and catch up with the others. | ||
↑ | Keep them safe—please! | ||
↑ | Don’t worry about me. Go! | ||
12:14 | Barret | SOLDIERs may attack on command, but I hear they make good guard dogs too. | 泣く子の腕さえひねる ソルジャーといやあ 神羅の番犬 |
↑ | Bet you’re seen a few reactors. | 魔晄炉は初めてじゃねえんだろ? | |
↑ | So how do we get to the bridge abouve mako storage? | オレを魔晄だまりのブリッジまで 案内してくれ | |
↑ | Ain’t holding out on me, are you? | 教えたくねえってか? | |
↑ | Stamp scared to bite the hand that fed him? | “忠犬スタンプ”かよ | |
↑ | Or is he a loyal little doggy? | 神羅に未練タラ〜リじゃねえか | |
↑ | Have it your way, mutt. We can do this with you, or we can do this without you. | 拒否したって意味ねえぞ もともと おまえ抜きで立てた作戦だ | |
Cloud | Different reactor, different layout. Depends when it was built. | 魔晄炉は建造された時期によって 構造が違う | |
↑ | Never seen one like this, but I’ll manage. | この型式は初めてだが なんとかなるだろう | |
Jessie | Don’t you worry. Biggs’ll have the door open soon. | ||
Barret | I’m watching you. | ||
Biggs | In three, two… | 急かすなよ | |
↑ | Damn, I’m good! | ほい ロック解除 | |
Security Officer | Who’s there!? | 誰だ! | |
↑ | Door! | 閉めろ | |
Barret | W-wait! | ||
Security Officer | It’s over! | 観念しろ | |
Cloud | That’s my line. | こっちのセリフだ | |
Security Officer | He’s alone! We can take him! | 相手はひとり あせるなよ | |
↑ | Make it rain! | 集中砲火だ! | |
Jessie | We’re back! | おまたせ | |
Cloud | Then let’s move. | さっさと行くぞ | |
Jessie | He always knows just what to say! | その声 ひびく〜! | |
Barret | Cut it out! | 集中しろ | |
↑ | Simmer down, hotshot. | おとなしく待っとけ | |
13:35 | Jessie | It’s a good thing I know someone who can get us the passcodes. | パスコードの情報は 文派の同志が手に入れたの |
↑ | Pity no one else at command will talk to us, but what can you do? | 文派は こっちか 活動方針で もめちゃって | |
↑ | And we’re good! | はい ロック解除 | |
Biggs | Careful in there. | 気ぃ張っていけ〜 | |
↑ | Well, what’re you waiting for? | おい ジェシーを待たせるな | |
14:05 | Barret | Security’s only gonna get tighter, so be ready. We can’t afford any more mistakes. | こっから先は警戒がさらに厳重だ ヘマすんなよ |
Jessie | Looks like the elevator’s on another floor. | エレベーター 下に行っちゃってる | |
↑ | Mind pushing that button? | そこのボタン 押して | |
14:19 | Jessie | So…you know Tifa, right? | ティファの知り合いでしょ |
↑ | It’s not really my business, but are you guys close? | 好奇心むきだしで聞くけど どんな知り合い? | |
Tifa | Cloud! | クラウド! | |
↑ | Are you ignoring me? | また 無視した | |
Cloud | Tifa and I… | 俺たちは・・・ | |
15:28 | Heidegger | These sewer rats appear to call themselves Avalanche, sir. | このネズミどもは “アバランチ”を名乗っているようです |
↑ | We are currently investigating whether they belong to the same group that made the attempt on your life. | とはいえ かつてプレジデントの命をつけ狙った あのアバランチとの関係は不明 | |
↑ | Rest assured, our inquiries will not take much longer. | 現在調査中ゆえ 今少しのご猶予を | |
15:50 | Barret | This pump’s sole purpose is to drain the planet dry. | てめえが メシ食ってるとき 眠りこけてるときも |
↑ | While you sleep, while you eat, while you shit— it’s here, sucking up mako. | このバカでかいポンプが 魔晄を ガンガン吸い上げるわけだ | |
↑ | It doesn’t rest and it dosen’t care! | 休みなく ようしゃなくよ | |
↑ | You do realize what mako is, don’t you? | おまえ 魔晄の正体を知ってるか? | |
↑ | Mako is the lijeblood of our world. | 魔晄は この星の”血”だ | |
↑ | The planet bleeds green like you and me bleed red. | オレたちの体を流れる 真っ赤な血と同じ | |
↑ | The hell you think’s gonna happen when it’s all gone, huh!? Answer me! | 星の悲鳴が 聞こえねえか | |
↑ | I know you can! | クラウドさんよ! | |
Cloud | You really hear that? | あんたには聞こえるのか? | |
Barret | Damn straight I do! | おうよ | |
Cloud | Get help. | 医者に行け | |
Barret | Say that again! | てめえ! | |
Cloud | I’d worry less about the planet and more about the next five seconds. | 星の未来より 5秒後の自分を心配するんだな | |
↑ | Save the screaming for later. | あんたの悲鳴なんて ゾッとする | |
16:57 | Barret | Our lives are on the line now. | こっからは慎重にいく |
↑ | You listening, merc? One false move… | 少しでも おかしな動きをしやがったら | |
↑ | And that happens! | ようしゃしねえ | |
Jessie | Well, so much for having Cloud do all the fighting. | 中距離連射型の警備兵器ね | |
↑ | There are some places a sword just can’t reach… | クラウドの剣じゃ 苦戦は必死 | |
↑ | Just…bear with him for me, would you? | うるさくても 我慢してね | |
Cloud | Should’ve asked for more money. | がっかりさせるなよ | |
17:51 | Barret | Gonna throw your sword at ‘em? Let the man with the gun go to work! | おまえの剣じゃ届かねえ そこで見物してな |
↑ | There tin cans ain’t got nothing on me! | オレにかかれば 楽勝よ | |
↑ | Now for the real show! | ||
18:13 | Jessie | Look what we have here. | クラウド あそこ見て |
Cloud | A laser security system… Great. | 警備システム 稼働中だ | |
Jessie | Those things’ll hurt more than you pride if you’re careless. They’ll cut you down to size and then some. | 情熱的なまなざしだと思わない? 見つかったら ヤケドじゃ済まないよ | |
↑ | …But I’m guessing you’ve done this kind of thing before. | どう進めばいいか 知ってるよね | |
Cloud | Yeah. Figure out the timing of the lasers. | レーザーは一定間隔で明滅する | |
↑ | Then make a move when they cycle off. | 消えたタイミングを狙って進む | |
Jessie | Exactly! | ||
↑ | I’ll go first. Nothing like a little danger to get the blood pumping! | じゃあ まずわたしから スリルが大好物なの | |
Cloud | Hey! | おい | |
Jessie | Just keep those baby blues of yours on me! | そのキレイな目に しっかり焼き付けてね | |
↑ | Huh. He’s a natural! | そうそう その感じ | |
↑ | Not too shabby. | 余裕だね | |
↑ | You’re doing good, SOLDIR! | さすが 元ソルジャー | |
↑ | Okay, let’s see what’s up next! | バッチリ この調子でいこう | |
↑ | …And it’s more of the same. Come on, then. | 基本はさっきと同じ さあ 行こう | |
↑ | Pretty easy, right? | 簡単すぎる? | |
↑ | Nice job, Cloud! | クラウド いい! | |
↑ | Like a walk in the park, huh? | まあ 楽勝よね | |
↑ | Not a scratch! | カンペキ | |
↑ | Now on to the objective! | 爆破ポイントは もうすぐ | |
19:43 | Jessie | Look. | 見て |
↑ | They don’t call those things sweepers for nothing. They can wipe out a whole squad in seconds. | あれは通称 スイーパー ヘマしたらお掃除されちゃうかも | |
Cloud | Not if you wipe the floor with them first. | その前に クラップにしてやるさ | |
Barret | Hah! We can take this hunk of junk! | ただの鉄くずだろ | |
Cloud | That “hunk of junk” is a heavy weapons platform. If we rush in…we die. | 攻撃力 防御力ともにケタ違いだ なめてかかると 死ぬぞ | |
Barret | Is that right? | 策はあんのか | |
Cloud | Need to hit it with magic. That should give us an opening. | 魔法のほうが効くはずだ 隙を狙って 決めていけ | |
Barret | Hey! It stopped movieng! | よろけてるぜ | |
Cloud | Let’s pin it down! Give it all you’ve got! | このまま動きを止める たたみかけろ | |
↑ | Now’s our chance! Go! | 今だ 仕掛けるぞ | |
Barret | Don’t need to tell me twice! I’m gonna enjoy this! | 言われるまでもねえ 全力で潰す | |
↑ | Of course, it just had to get back up. | ||
Cloud | So we knock it down again. No time to complain. | チャンスは自分で作り出す もう一度 行くぞ | |
Jessie | And that’s that! | いっちょあがり | |
20:42 | Barret | What are you, twenty-something? | おまえ いくつだ |
Cloud | First. | ファーストだ | |
Barret | Huh? | ||
Cloud | SOLDIER: First Class. Doesn’t go into the twenties. | ソルジャーには階級とは別に ランクがあってーーーーー | |
Barret | The hell you talking about? I mean your age, not your goddamn rank! | いくつって聞いたら 歳じゃねえのか 普通はよ | |
Cloud | I, uh… | ||
Barret | Though, for all I know, a SOLDIER’s rank could be the same as his age… | おっと失礼 ソルジャー様が 普通のはずねえよな | |
↑ | Mm-hmm. Guess that’d make you a one-year-old, huh? | はいはい ファーストね 1歳かな? | |
↑ | Live and learn! | 覚えとくぜ | |
21:28 | Jessie | that’s our target. The reactor core. | ここが 魔晄炉の中心 |
↑ | Gotta set the bomb at the bottom. | あそこに 爆弾を仕掛けるの | |
↑ | Let’s get down there. | ここからおりるよ | |
21:43 | Barret | Goddamn… I can practically taste the mako in here… Hurry it up! | 近いぞ 近いぞ 魔晄でむせ返るぜ |
21:56 | Barret | My heart’s pounding like a jackhammer! | 震えてきたぜ |
Cloud | Scared, huh? | おじけづいたか | |
Barret | Hah! More like excited. I’ve been dreaming about this for years! | んなワケあるか 長年の夢がかなう 喜びだ | |
Jessie | Heads up, boys—the end’s in sight. | ここをおりたら いよいよだよ | |
↑ | I leave the rest in your capable hands. Good luck! | エスコートは ここでおしまい 出しゃばっちゃったね | |
22:40 | Barret | You think, if we fell in, we’d sink right down to the bottom? To the planet’s core? | 底が見えねえ 落ちたら 星の中か・・・ |
Cloud | No, the pump would suck us back up. | すぐに魔晄炉が吸い上げるさ | |
Barret | How comforting. | 笑えねえな | |
23:07 | Barret | Yeah, let’s do this… Let’s do this! | いよいよだぜ いよいよだぜ |
23:26 | Barret | All right. Let’s see if little Stanp really can bite the hand that feeds… | さーて 神羅が送り込んできた 犬じゃないってことを証明してもらおうか |
↑ | Go on. Do the honors. | 爆弾は おまえがセットするんだ | |
↑ | Prove to me you’re the man Tifa says you are. | ティファのツレってだけじゃ 信用できねえ | |
↑ | That you’re one of us. | 仲間になりてえなら | |
Cloud | Never said I was. I’m just here for the paycheck. | 何度も言わせるな 俺は雇われただけだ | |
Barret | Then do the damn job! | だったら 黙ってやれよ | |
↑ | What’s wrong? | どうした? | |
Cloud | I’m fine. | 問題ない | |
↑ | What about the timer? | タイマーは どうする? | |
Barret | Your call, merc. | おまえが決めろ | |
↑ | Pretty cocky, ain’tcha? | 自信あんだろーな? | |
↑ | You double crossing | はめやがったな | |
Cloud | Heads up! | 来るぞ | |
Barret | What in the hell!? | ||
↑ | Hey! How the hell do we fight this thing? | おい こいつの豆知識は | |
Cloud | It’s got reinforced armor plating but the internals can be overloaded. | 戦地用の強化装甲だ メカは いかずちに弱い | |
↑ | Lighting magic. | 魔法で攻めろ | |
Barret | No other option, huh. | やるしかねえか | |
↑ | The hell is that!? | なんだありゃ? | |
Cloud | A barrier? Never seen this defense system before… | バリアか この防御システムは 初めてだ | |
Barret | Thought you were the expert! | 使えねえなあ | |
Cloud | So what’s your brilliant plan, genius? | だったら あんたがなんとかしろ | |
Barret | If we don’t change it up soon, this thing’s gonna kill us both! | ||
Cloud | Less talking, more shooting! | ||
Barret | How ‘bout less lip from you!? | ||
Cloud | Think it through. | ||
↑ | Bounce right off… | ||
Barret | Nice try, dumbass! | ||
Cloud | Frontal assault’s no good… | ||
Barret | Dammit! This thing is toogh! | ||
Cloud | It wouldn’t be much of a weapon if it went down easy. | ||
Barret | Don’t compliment the giant scorpion! | ||
Cloud | Now! Hit it hard and fast! | ||
Barret | Ohhh, you’re in for it now! | ||
Cloud | Just. Shoot. | ||
26:28 | Cloud | Watch the tail! You don’t want to be hit by that laser! | レーザーが来る サソリの尾に気をつけろ |
Barret | Huh!? So, whadda we do!? | どうすりゃいいんだ | |
Cloud | Don’t get hit! Take cover behind that debris! | 直撃したら ただじゃすまない 鉄骨に身を隠せ | |
↑ | Now! Go! | ||
↑ | Strike now—before it fires again! | ||
↑ | Military-grade armor in a reactor…? | ||
Barret | Aw, hell, what’s it doing now!? | おい なんか様子が変だぞ | |
Cloud | An auto-repair unit? Dammit—we gotta take it out quick or we’re screwed! | 自己修復機能か 急げ 回復される前に片を付ける | |
Barret | Oh, I am way ahead of you merc! | おっしゃ 燃えてきた! | |
Cloud | Gotta time our attacks just right! Hold out until you spot an opening! | ||
↑ | It’s down! Rain hell on it! | ||
Barret | Ain’t gotta tell me twice! | ||
Cloud | Don’t let up! | ||
Barret | I ain’t about to quit after coming this far! | ||
28:37 | Barret | Shit! The bomb! | クソッ 近づけねえ |
Announcement | Twenty minutes until detonation. | 爆破まで あと20分 | |
Barret | Hah, you hear that? | こりゃいい | |
↑ | Damn thing showed you how it’s done! | 功労賞は あのサソリにくれてやる | |
Cloud | Come on, we’ve gotta move. | 急げ 脱出だ | |
Barret | Wedge should be covering our way out! | ウェッジが 逃げ道を確保してる | |
↑ | Go, go, go! | 全力で戻れ | |
30:07 | Cloud | You okay? | 大丈夫か |
Jessie | Do I look okay!? Help a girl out, would ya!? | うかつ! 足がはさまって | |
↑ | My hero! | サンキュー | |
Barret | Hey! We’ll link up over there! Look after Jessie! | おい あそこで合流だ ジェシーを頼んだぞ | |
Jessie | Come this way! | こっち こっち! | |
↑ | This route should lead us straight to Barret! Probably! | ここを行けば バレットと合流できるはず | |
↑ | I think I see an exit. Come on! | 出口はこっち 急いで | |
30:54 | Jessie | Don’t look back! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! | クラウド なにしてるの 早く来て! |
↑ | We’re running out of time! | 急いで 急いで〜! | |
Cloud | Shut up and climb. You’re not helping. | 黙って登れ その方が楽だ | |
Jessie | Sorry, it just—- | そっか | |
↑ | It keeps me focused! I’ll freak out if I don’t talk! | って ダメ しゃべってないと あせる | |
Cloud | Have it your way. | 好きにしろ | |
31:39 | Jessie | Barret | バレット! |
Barret | I’ve got you covered. | I’ve got you covered. | |
↑ | Find us a way outa here! | 扉あけんのが優先だ | |
Jessie | But then— | でも | |
Barret | Don’t worry, I’ll be fine! | こっちは問題ねえ | |
↑ | I’ve got SOLDIER boy with me! | ソルジャー様が一緒だ | |
Cloud | Ex-SOLDIER boy. | “元”ソルジャーだ | |
Security Officer | They’re here! | 見つけたぞ | |
↑ | Take ‘em down! | 取り押さえる | |
Barret | We don’t have time for this shit! The clock’s ticking! | もうすぐドカンだ 邪魔すんじゃねえ | |
Cloud | Cool it. Five seconds is all we need. | バレット 5秒でやるぞ | |
Barret | Let’s go! The others are waiting! | 急げ あいつらと合流すんぞ | |
↑ | Gotta get the hell outta here ASAP… | 早くここから 出ねえとな | |
32:20 | Barret | Ugh! This is all we need! | 厄介なのが起きちまったぜ |
Cloud | You got that right. | また 眠らせればいい | |
33:09 | Barret | Whoa! Ain’t you a feisty one! | |
34:12 | Heidegger | Sir | |
34:45 | Barret | Come on…come on, come on, come on! | 急げ 急げ 急げ 急げ |
Jessie | Door’s open! | ロック解除 | |
Biggs | Bada-bing bada-boom—bam! | プピパポパ ほい解除 | |
35:19 | Jessie | We don’t have a lot of time here! Pick up the pace, people! | さあ 早く行って 脱出 脱出 |
Wedge | Over here! This way! | こっちッス こっち | |
Cloud | Can you walk? | 立てるか? | |
Jessie | If I couldn’t, believe me, you’d be the first to know. | 助けてもらおうと思って わざと転んでみたの | |
Cloud | I’ll take that as a yes. | 迫真の演技だったな | |
35:44 | Jessie | Cloud! | クラウド! |
↑ | Okay, that was pretty cool. | さっすが | |
↑ | All right. Come on! | さあ 走ろう |
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